Saturday, February 20, 2010

Harvest Moon a Wonderful Life

The quickest way to use the table of contents is to use the code system that
has been set up for your use. Below are instructions:
1) For Sections/Subsections-
Highlight the code in the parenthesis that is next to the section you want to
view. After highlighting it, hit Ctrl+C on your keyboard. Then hit Ctrl+F. Then
hit Ctrl+V. Then double tap ENTER to be taken to the desired section.
2) For Mini Sections-
Highlight the code in the parenthesis that is next to the mini section that you
want to go to. Hit Ctrl+C. Then hit Ctrl+F. Then hit Ctrl+V. Then hit ENTER.

-Guide Information..................................................(AWL.01.00)
  -Guide Updates....................................................(AWL.01.02)

-Game Introduction..................................................(AWL.02.00)
  -Controls (With ASCII)............................................(AWL.02.02)
    -Time Explanation...............................................(AWL.02.3a)
    -How To Sell....................................................(AWL.02.3b)
    -How To Buy.....................................................(AWL.02.3c)
  -Features That Stand Out..........................................(AWL.02.03)

-Animals and People.................................................(AWL.03.00)

-Life On The Farm...................................................(AWL.04.00)

-Game Misc..........................................................(AWL.05.00)
  -Money Making.....................................................(AWL.05.01)
  -Linking Up.......................................................(AWL.05.03)
  -Information On Van...............................................(AWL.05.04)
  -A Day On The Farm................................................(AWL.05.05)
  -Item List/Sell Guide.............................................(AWL.05.06)

-Guide Misc.........................................................(AWL.06.00)
  -Meet The Authors/Contact Info....................................(AWL.06.02)

Guide Information...................................................(AWL.01.00)
Introduction (AWL.01.01)
Guide Updates (AWL.01.02)


This guide was originally made by kkslider02, who helped me (HMKing) on my
HM:FoMT guide. After many months of working on FoMT only, I bought AWL for my
somewhat new GameCube (Which is black, not the stupid purple one). Like I 
did with FoMT, I jumped right into making a guide before I got to know much 
about the game. That proved to be a challenge so I talked to kkslider02 who 
said that the two of us could redo his guide. With my formatting skills and 
his knowledge on the game, we could make a really good guide for a really 
good game. So I did my formatting thing and sent the guide off to gamefaqs.
The guide got accepted, but they screwed it up and gave all the credit to me,
which sucks for kkslider02. I told him that happened and he said he didn't care.

Guide Updates.......................................................(AWL.01.02)

03/27/04= Started Guide.
03/31/04= Worked on girls and children sections.
04/14/04= Added a ton of stuff.
02/19/05= Guide reformatted by HMKing.
02/20/05= Tweaked the code system.
02/22/05= Added basics section and all its mini sections. Fixed a few code
          system mess ups. Added a lot more to the girls section.
02/24/05= Added a farm map. Added Van's, Sell guide, and A Day On The Farm
06/29/05= Got the guide ready for COMPLETE GUIDE status at gamefaqs

Game Information....................................................(AWL.02.00)
Story (AWL.02.01)
Controls (AWL.02.02)
Basics (AWL.02.03)


The main story of AWL is based on you and Takakura. Your father and Takakura
set out to save the farm and make it a prosperous place of prosper (wow!).
Anyway, your dad died (someone always dies in a Harvest Moon game. Why can't
they all just live forever and give you the farm for no reason at all?!) and
Takakura got you to make the farm a prosperous  place of prosper. It is now
Takakura's dream to make the farm a good farm.


 /   \
|  A  | - The big green button. It is used to confirm menu selections and pick
 \___/    up items and find out about items, and to investigate areas, and to
          do whatever else the green icon in the top right corner says.

 /   \
|  B  | - The small red button. Used to cancel menu selections, and to put
 \___/    items in the rucksack.

 /       \
|    Y    |  - The oval shaped gray button above the A button. Used to do
 \_______/     various actions like wash, eat, and heart (nuzzle).

 /       \
|    X    |  - The oval shaped gray button to the right of the A button. Used
 \_______/     to open up your rucksack.

Gray Analog stick- Move character

Yellow Analog Stick- Rotate view.

 /   L  |
|_______| - Centers camera

|   R  \
|_______| - Press once to call your dog. Press twice to call your horse. Can 
            also use to call people to your selling stand.

(___Z___) - Switches to first person view when standing outside. Cycle 
            through menus while in the tall, skinny building on your farm.

and the special one,

Daisypath Anniversary tickers